Supporting Us …

  • Please pray for us! Pray that we will be faithful to our calling and responsive to whatever God may be inviting us to become.
  • Tell people about us, and about other religious communities.
  • Become an Associate. See “Joining Us”
  • Subscribe to the Fairacres Chronicle
  • Read our publications, which we hope you will enjoy and recommend
  • Make a Donation. We are a registered charity, and can benefit from Gift Aid.
    If you are a regular donor to the Community, or think you will be making gifts in the future, and pay enough income tax or capital gains tax in the current financial year equal to the tax we can reclaim on your donations, please fill in a Gift Aid Form (Updated November 2015) and return your completed form to us at:

The Bursary
SLG Charitable Trust Ltd
Convent of the Incarnation
Fairacres, Parker Street

“Encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.”
1 Thes. 5: 11 (NIV)