July 2020 (Photos)



We give thanks that so far we all continue to be well. We have welcomed our Cook, Oana, back from furlough, at present to work part-time. Mark and Simon keep us supplied with garden produce, our carers have added hairdressing and delivering meals to their usual tasks and our office staff work from home as much as possible.

We are very glad that it is now possible for us to have a celebration of the Eucharist in our houses. Fr Andrew Teal, our Warden, presides for us. Because of the limited space we are restricted to one or two households on each occasion, and we are not able to invite anyone outside the community to join us.


Although our building project is behind schedule, a lot of progress has been made by Benfield and Loxley. Most of the demolition has been completed, and the new buildings are rising rapidly, as can be seen from this gallery of photos.