Community Notes Winter 2021
Dear Friends,I am glad to be able to report that I am writing these notes in my Office back in the Convent of the Incarnation!…
Community Notes Summer 2021
Dear Friends, The Community had hoped that by the time this Chronicle reached you we would be safely moved into our new and newly-refurbished buildings.…
July 2020 (Photos)
NEWS We give thanks that so far we all continue to be well. We have welcomed our Cook, Oana, back from furlough, at present to…
Community Notes Summer 2020
Dear Friends,I spent some time as I thought about these notes trying to find an alternative to ‘we live in unprecedented times’! We do, but…
May 2020
We continue to hold you in our thoughts and prayers, and to give thanks for your remembrance of us. Keep us, good Lord, under the…