Community Notes Summer 2021
Dear Friends, The Community had hoped that by the time this Chronicle reached you we would be safely moved into our new and newly-refurbished buildings. Unfortunately, the first thing I…
July 2020 (Photos)
NEWS We give thanks that so far we all continue to be well. We have welcomed our Cook, Oana, back from furlough, at present to work part-time. Mark and Simon…
Community Notes Summer 2020
Dear Friends,I spent some time as I thought about these notes trying to find an alternative to ‘we live in unprecedented times’! We do, but it is becoming a rather…
March 2020
We wish you a blessed Lent and Holy Week Glory to you, O Christ,you are the Word of God Recently the scripture reading at Matins was a very familiar passage…
November 2019
Friday 1 November Feast of All saints 9.00 Sung Eucharist Saturday 2 November Commemoration of All Souls 9.00 Sung Eucharist Sunday 3 November Fourth Sunday before Advent 9.00 Sung Sucharist…
LATEST NEWS FROM OUR BUILDING PROJECTBuilding Project Timeline 06 August 2019 Plans were approved by Oxford City Council. Yayy!! February 2019 Submission of Plans to Oxford City Council Beginning 2019…
August 2019
AUGUST 2019 COMING EVENTS Saturday 10 August Feast of St Lawrence Eucharist 9.30 Tuesday 13 August Eucharist 8.30 THURSDAY 15 AUGUST FEAST OF THE ASSUMPTION 9.00 SUNG EUCHARIST Thursday 22…
Community Notes 2019 Summer
Dear Friends, My heart is steadfast, O God, my heart is steadfast. I will sing and make melody. Psalm 57:7 NRSV Steadfastness seems to be in very short supply in…
March 2019
MARCH 2019 COMING EVENTS We wish you a blessed Lent and Holy Week Monday 25th march Feast of the Annunciation 11.30 am Sung Eucharist HOLY WEEK AND EASTER 14th April Palm…