


06 August 2019 Plans were approved by Oxford City Council. Yayy!!
February 2019 Submission of Plans to Oxford City Council
Beginning 2019 Final Draft of Plans.
May 2016 MEB Architects showed us some options for building project.
Prior May 2016 Building Project thoughts hatched.
Read our Reverend Mother’s thoughts on this


We had hoped that by now we could tell you more about our building works; however, the planning permission process has taken longer than expected. Meanwhile we have continued to have meetings with our design team and a whole host of specialists, and among ourselves. The overall design is based on what we believe will make Fairacres more supportive of the needs of the Community, of those who work for us, and of our visitors.

Recently we’ve been asked to think about small but significant details such as the siting of radiators and sockets, the design of door handles and hinges, about security and paving surfaces and rainwater butts — and where we might plant a bay tree or two to replace the flourishing one we’ll be losing.

The delay means that we have rather more time than we expected to pack ourselves up and move into temporary accommodation, which will be in Fellowship House and in rented houses nearby. Viewing these, weighing the advantages and disadvantages of each, and negotiating contracts has all been very time-consuming for those involved, with frequent progress reports to keep us in the picture. We look forward to sharing our plans more fully when things are a bit clearer.

In the Community Notes in the Summer edition of the Fairacres Chronicle Sister Clare-Louise offers a helpful outline of the practicalities of the changes, and calls us all to steadfastness in the face of every kind of disruption and uncertainty.

Follow this link to buy a copy https://www.slgpress.co.uk/

For the time being, and at least until October, we are able to worship in our Chapel and welcome others to join us, but are closed to resident guests.