Light For Ukraine #1

At the end of April 2022 we were alerted to a prayer initiative of the Church of England Diocese in Europe (which extends from Morocco to Russia) focussing on Ukraine and Russia, each Wednesday evening at7 pm Central European Time. We decided to join this at the end of Vespers, a little before the appointed time. I began producing a sheet to put on the intercession board as a reminder: at first I drew on the resources of the diocese, and later scoured the internet for news items and a picture to match. We have kept this up almost continuously from the beginning of May 2022: since October last year we have included Israel and Palestine, implicitly or explicitly. Recently a sister suggested that we share these on our website. What we post will not always correspond with our current theme because of copyright issues but may draw on our archive.

Thank you for your #LightForUkraine All Saints 
Puerto de la Cruz Tenerife. “The candle of hope burns in the volcano holder – which came from La Palma during their eruptions”

21 April

God of peace and justice
send your blessing on the people
of Ukraine and Russia.
Sustain them
in their courage
hold them in their fear
protect them
from all danger
and be for them
the hope they desire
for Jesus Christ’s sake.

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