Becoming associated with us …

We value greatly the support of many friends, and especially their prayer. Those who have come to know us and seek a more formal association, can ask to join the Fellowship of the Love of God. This is open to men and women, single and married, lay and ordained. Members of the Fellowship are encouraged to keep in touch by staying with us or by attending associates’ retreats, and by subscribing to the Fairacres Chronicle.

There are other forms of association (Oblate Sisters, Companions, Priest Associates), and we are glad to discuss these with anyone interested. Our Oblate Sisters have an especially close link. They stay with the community for times of retreat and study, and work alongside us. The Oblate Sisters live by a Rule which follows the nuns’ Rule very closely, but takes into account their life in the world—family (many of our Oblate sisters are married), career, involvement with their parish and neighbourhood.

As well as having the support encouragement of being linked with us and with one another, our associates form an important link between the Community and the world outside and have a vital contribution to make to the life of the Church in witnessing to the contemplative dimension of the Christian life and the work of reconciliation.

Click HERE to complete an enquiry form.

“God can as easily give the gift of contemplation
to a busy housewife as to a cloistred nun.”
Mother Mary Clare, Entountering the Depths