Joining Us
If you feel that God may be drawing you to join our Community, we will need to get to know one another. Discerning a vocation requires time and prayer on both sides. After a number of visits, you would live alongside us for a few weeks, sharing the prayer and work of the Community.
We ask that women seeking to join the Novitiate of the Community should be baptized members of a church in communion with the Church of England, single, in good general physical and mental health and free of financial and personal obligations.
The Novitiate is a time of testing as the Novice and Nuns seek to discern together whether she has a vocation to the Community. It is also a time of training and learning the tools and rhythms of monastic life. The Novice is asking, is this for me? is this what God wants?, while at the same time seeking to enter more deeply into the life and vocation of the Sisters of the Love of God before committing herself to God under monastic vows as a member of the Community.
Please click HERE to complete an enquiry form.

“We are Christ’s love let loose in the world”
James McCaffery OCD, Captive Flames