Time Together…

Interwoven with our solitude is the time we spend together—working, making decisions about our life, studying, having fun. Especially when we are working we try to be together in companionable silence, speaking only when it’s needed. There are also many occasions when we come together to talk: meetings of the whole community for discussion, and of teams of sisters with particular responsibility for such things as our worship, our finances, and the smooth running of the house.

The whole community meets each Sunday to exchange news, and at various times in small groups for bible study, singing, learning New Testament Greek, doing crossword puzzles or walking in our garden and further afield. On special occasions, instead of dinner being in silence, we invite our guests and those who work for us to a talking meal

“Our human vocation to live in communion and mutuality is rooted in our creation in God’s image and likeness.
The very being of God’s community.”
The Rule of the Society of St. John the Evangelist
(North American congregation)