Worship with us …
We celebrate the Eucharist daily, and gather at intervals from early morning until late in the evening for the Divine Office. At each Office we recite psalms and listen to scripture together. As far as possible we use traditional plainsong melodies when we sing. The Sisters begin their worship at six in the morning with Matins which is similar to the Morning Prayer found in the service book of many churches. At nine we have Terce (at the ‘third hour’) which consists of a hymn, some psalmody, a short scripture passage and prayers. Sext (the sixth hour, at around mid-day) and None in the early afternoon follow the same pattern. Vespers is in the late afternoon and is the equivalent of evensong, and the day closes with Compline.

“Holy God, Holy and Mighty, Holy Immortal One, have mercy on us.”
The Trisagion