Work …
Work in our timetable covers cooking, cleaning, and laundry; making and mending our clothes; looking after our elderly sisters and our guests; and office work including the SLG Press. In all these areas and in the garden sisters work alongside our employees who make it possible for us to maintain the work of prayer.
What we are seeking to do in our daily work is very simple and direct. The activities vary greatly, but in them all we have a chance to glorify God through service of others and through attentive obedience to what is needed. With this in view, we do the very best we can with what is before us. As part of monastic life, work offers us a constant and freeing asceticism in which God meets and ministers to us.

“Forth in Thy name, O Lord, I go, my daily labour to pursue:
Thee, only Thee, resolved to know in all I think, or speak, or do.”
Charles Wesley