Community Notes
Community Notes 2024 Winter
Dear Friends, The past few months have been extraordinarily busy, made even more so by my breaking my right wrist, hence the photo. This is my first attempt at dictating…
Community Notes Summer 2024
Dear Friends, I write these summer notes at a time of great uncertainty and change. The situation in Gaza continues to worsen, alongside a rise in anti-Semitic feeling in many…
Community Notes Winter 2023
Dear Friends I am starting these notes rather earlier than usual this season because I am soon going to be away having a brief time of Sabbatical. As I type,…
Community Notes Winter 2022
Dear Friends This month I am writing these notes having recently returned from a visit to Sr Anne at St Isaac’s Retreat in Aotearoa/New Zealand. St Isaac’s is on North…
Community Notes Summer 2022
Dear Friends Greetings from the Convent of the Incarnation! People often comment that time seems to pass more quickly as you get older; it certainly seems true that the months…
Community Notes Winter 2021
Dear Friends,I am glad to be able to report that I am writing these notes in my Office back in the Convent of the Incarnation! After a long journey (and…
Community Notes Summer 2021
Dear Friends, The Community had hoped that by the time this Chronicle reached you we would be safely moved into our new and newly-refurbished buildings. Unfortunately, the first thing I…
Community Notes Summer 2020
Dear Friends,I spent some time as I thought about these notes trying to find an alternative to ‘we live in unprecedented times’! We do, but it is becoming a rather…
Community Notes 2019 Summer
Dear Friends, My heart is steadfast, O God, my heart is steadfast. I will sing and make melody. Psalm 57:7 NRSV Steadfastness seems to be in very short supply in…