Light For Ukraine
Light For Ukraine #6
Ukrainian soldiers training in Norfolk with the British Army prayed for a just peace as part of a church service with the Bishop of Norwich, on the third anniversary of…
Light for Ukraine #5
From the Diocese in Europe As we approach the third anniversary of the invasion of Ukraine, we open an invitation to a prayer service for Ukraine. This will be held…
Light for Ukraine #4
Eight year old Alyona attends a school in eastern Ukraine which has an underground shelter so that classes can continue during air raids. UNICEF. Hear our prayers, God,Hear the prayers…
Light For Ukraine #3
The Ukrainian star on our Christmas tree has on its reverse side a crib, and this crib signifies God’s real and tangible commitment to the world through becoming a vulnerable…
Light For Ukraine #2
Jesusdespite the thickening darkness,Christians throughout the world still celebratethe light of your incarnationThank you that even wars and persecutions, shortages and insecurities,sicknesses and injuries, fear and death,nothing can separate us…
Light For Ukraine #1
At the end of April 2022 we were alerted to a prayer initiative of the Church of England Diocese in Europe (which extends from Morocco to Russia) focussing on Ukraine…