Build Project
May 2022
Main Convent Redevelopment Perspective on Arrival Sitting at the reception desk by the new front door, overlooking the new gate, and catching up with emails, I put a link to…
March 2022
It’s a feature of MEB Design’s work for us that great care has been taken to keep so much of what was familiar and dear to us. The old gate…
July 2020 (Photos)
NEWS We give thanks that so far we all continue to be well. We have welcomed our Cook, Oana, back from furlough, at present to work part-time. Mark and Simon…
LATEST NEWS FROM OUR BUILDING PROJECTBuilding Project Timeline 06 August 2019 Plans were approved by Oxford City Council. Yayy!! February 2019 Submission of Plans to Oxford City Council Beginning 2019…